Painters like Robots

  • 2015
  • Installation: dimensions variable
  • Video documentation: 48:07 min (watch on

When I am in my painting, I‘m not aware of what I‘m doing.
— Jackson Pollock

Let The Robots Do The Work.
— iRobot Corporation

Ah, painting. Abstract painting. Looks like Abstract Expressionism. But it´s not the work of a painter, giving his inspiration free rein or bursting with wild gestures in a kind of action painting.

In fact, it is the work of robots. Cleaning robots, to be precise. Automats without consciousness, machines, unable to know what they are doing. With their tanks full of paint instead of cleansing liquid they set to work. Bound to programming and subject to chance, they are making their ways – until, at the end of the cleansing cycle, they will have recolored the entire area. But is it still art if it is done by machines? And who is the artist then?

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